Several years ago C. Norm Shealy had the great fortune of being introduced to a remarkable woman, who had quietly chosen to be a mentor to many, with far less public acknowledgment than the average grade-school teacher. She provided him with more answers to important existential questions than any of the world-renowned philosophers.
She asked to remain anonymous. Indeed, Dr. Shealy only received permission to write her story when he suggested that all royalties would go to her favorite charity, Personal Ponies, Ltd. In order to discuss her philosophy, she has been called Dolly and the symbol of a pony, Muffy, is the teacher. This is an allegory in the time-honored sense. Out of the mouths of the innocent shall come the truth.
Horses have long been the archetype of freedom, symbols of consciousness and all of nature. The pony as the innocent child represents essential wisdom.
The essence of her knowledge has been suggested in Buddhism and Hinduism, elaborately expounded in A Course In Miracles and in longer books attempting to summarize that work. Muffy’s message cuts to the truth in a few words.
Dr. Shealy has been the scribe, summarizing her message, culled from well over a thousand pages of correspondence. The answer to all questions was consistently simple and to the point:
This is a dream. There is no time.
Forgive all. Love.
Awaken to the reality of Heaven.
136 pages Paperback