Sacraments of the International Science of Mind Church for Spiritual Healing
One month supply of Fire, Earth & Crystal set of Bliss roll-ons. A secret blend of essential oils that assists in numerous of complete health regimens.
Telomeres are the key to health and longevity. They are the tips of every DNA molecule and, with the best of health habits, they shrink 1% every year. Initially using human DNA frequency I have shown rejuvenation of telomeres averaging 3.5% a year, but it takes an hour a day. Over the past 6 years I have demonstrated 3.5% telomere rejuvenation every year using only Fire, Earth and Crystal Bliss! Takes 90 seconds a day. Best known healthy longevity tool yet!
Bliss Set of 3 Roll-Ons
Each bottle of Bliss comes with the corresponding set of Ring points and instructions**
Crystal Bliss
Crystal Bliss is a blend of Essential Oils developed specifically to stimulate the 13 points of The Ring of Crystal. Over a period of two or more weeks daily use reduces FREE RADICALS in the urine by 50% or more! Reducing free radicals may be the single most important health enhancer known!! You can check your own success by measuring urinary free radicals with an Oxi-Data test before starting and after two weeks of DAILY use, preferably twice daily. Start at the foot and progress up to of head.
Earth Bliss
Raises Calcitonin as well as the Shealy Pain Pro! For pain relief apply to the Ring of Earth points twice daily. Calcitonin is the strongest pain reliever the body makes, 40-60 times stronger than Morphine! Helps to maintain bone integrity. Comes with Ring of Earth Points picture. Only takes 30 seconds to apply.
Fire Bliss
Fire Bliss is a secret blend of essential oils which were developed to specifically stimulate sacred energetic life circuits because they are so remarkably influential in regulating this magnificent temple in which we live. The first, Ring of Fire, was the result of asking what I could do beyond natural progesterone cream to assist DHEA restoration. I sensed that electrical stimulation of specific acupuncture points could regulate the entire endocrine system and indeed it does. In hundreds of individuals, we have enhanced DHEA safely. At the same time, we have demonstrated that stimulation of the Ring of Fire is effective in:
• Reducing by 75% the frequency and intensity of migraine.
• Marked improvement in 70 percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
• Reducing pain in 80% of patients with diabetic neuropathy.
• Improving depression in 70% of patients
Telomeres are the key to health and longevity. They are the tips of every DNA molecule and, with the best of health habits, they shrink 1% every year. Initially using human DNA frequency I have shown rejuvenation of telomeres averaging 3.5% a year, but it takes an hour a day. Over the past 6 years I have demonstrated 3.5% telomere rejuvenation every year using only Fire, Earth and Crystal Bliss! Takes 90 seconds a day. Best known healthy longevity tool yet!.