Early in their time together, Jim Carter and Norman Shealy used the word Yinergy to describe the type of energy that animates life, and that is stored and transmitted by Twilight America products. These products were developed in an attempt to duplicate ancient water tools that apparently draw in “liquid sunshine”.
Shealy writes about water in living cells, referring to work done by Dr. Batmanghelidj. While it appears to be just water, there is something different about cellular fluid, it is something other than common water. Cells require something other than ordinary water to stay hydrated, and it appears that cell membrane water is different from the intracellular fluid. Membranes contain thicker waters, and the water that fills the cells is thinner.
Many examples have emerged lately to demonstrate that structured water possess life giving characteristics, while water processed by industrial methods, poisoned by chlorine and fluoride, and piped into our homes produces low energy and illness. Water will store in its liquid crystal structures memories of chemical, physical, and even vibrational effects it has been exposed to.